
“没有什么比拥有一个 良好的仓库": 杰里米·贝尔纳普 Describes the Mission of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会 in 1795

Letter from 杰里米·贝尔纳普 to Ebenezar Hazard, 1795年8月21日

Letter from 杰里米·贝尔纳普 to Ebenezar Hazard, 1795年8月21日


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    [项目描述如下: 本月目标 ]

    “没有什么比拥有一个 良好的仓库 并且保持 小心点, 而不是在家里坐等天赐良机, 而是像狼一样四处游荡,寻找猎物."
    ——牧师. 杰里米·贝尔纳普, the principal founder 和 first corresponding secretary of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会, 在一封写给古物学家埃比尼泽·哈扎德的信中写道, 1795年8月21日.


    In 1790, Boston minister 杰里米·贝尔纳普 proposed a "Plan for an Antiquarian Society" that would actively collect materials to document the history of the new nation. 一年后, 1791年1月24日, Belknap's "Antiquarian Society" became the "Historical Society" when he invited nine like-minded Bostonians to join him in creating what would become the 马萨诸塞州历史学会, the oldest organization in the United States devoted to collecting materials for the study of American history. 同年晚些时候,贝尔纳普起草了一份 历史学会的通函, in which he announced the Historical Society's formation 和 purpose: "to collect, 保存, 和交流, materials for a complete history of this country"--a mission that has remained essentially unchanged for more than two centuries.


    牧师. 杰里米·贝尔纳普 was born in Boston in 1744, 和 educated at Harvard College. 他成了一名公理会牧师, 首先在多佛定居, 新汉普郡, in 1767, 在19年的服役期间,在哪里, 他抽出时间写了一部三卷本的作品 新罕布什尔州的历史. 在他的研究, Belknap demonstrated a fixed determination to examine primary sources, 在相对孤立的新罕布什尔农村工作, he relied heavily on the collaboration of a wide-ranging network of correspondents to locate 和 verify information for his 历史 这不仅涵盖了勘探, 以及军事和政治历史, but also the geography 和 natural history of the Granite State, 以及当地居民的风俗习惯, 包括印第安人. 美国独立战争爆发后, Belknap traveled to the siege lines around Boston to interview participants 和 gather information about how the fighting began.

    杰里米·贝尔纳普于1787年回到波士顿, where he became pastor of the Church in Long Lane-now the Arlington Street Church. 在新英格兰的大都市, 和和他有共同兴趣的人在一起, he set out to apply the concepts 和 procedures for historical research that he had developed in 新汉普郡 on a wider stage. 正如他在给埃比尼泽·哈扎德的信中所说, Belknap acted upon his principles; in what has become a catch phrase for the Historical Society, “保持良好的警戒, 而不是在家里坐等天赐良机, 而是像狼一样四处游荡,寻找猎物.在他的信中, Belknap recounts how he had traveled to Connecticut to collect the manuscripts 和 pamphlets of Governor Jonathan Trumbull, 谁死于1785年. Belknap had no way of knowing that in saving Trumbull's papers from becoming "food for worms,他为后来的一部史诗奠定了基础, seventy-seven-year battle between the MHS 和 the state of Connecticut over whether the manuscripts were Trumbull's personal papers or official Connecticut records. The Historical Society finally-和 grudgingly-returned the papers to the Connecticut State Library in 1921. Belknap's vulpine avarice for documents occasionally borders on the unseemly: he greedily anticipates seeing the head of "our old patriot, S[amuel] A[水坝]“放低, 这样历史学会就能得到更多的手稿.

    Ebenezer Hazard (1744-1817) was a Princeton-educated New York City printer 和 post office surveyor, who had returned to Philadelphia in 1782 to become the first postmaster general of the United States under the Constitution. 贝尔纳普形容他是他的“向导、哲学家和 朋友." Hazard shared Belknap's intense interest in history 和 historical documents, 和, in 1792, was the first person elected a corresponding (non-resident) member of the Historical Society.

    在1798年去世之前, 通过他自己的贡献和他请求的礼物, 杰里米·贝尔纳普 had developed a substantial base for the Historical Society's extraordinary present-day collections. He also served as the first corresponding secretary of the MHS, 和 through a series of published circular letters 和 notices, 还有他的私人信件, attempted to convey news of the founding of the new organization 和 its purpose "to every gentleman of Science in the Continent 和 Isl和s of America."

    A new exhibition celebrates the founding of the Historical Society 和 its early collections

    The model for the organization that the founders of the MHS envisioned was the Society of Antiquaries of London, 1791年他已经80多岁了, 有完善的会员会议, 出版物, 还有一个图书馆和收藏柜. 2011年9月7日至2012年3月, the 马萨诸塞州历史学会 will celebrate its founding 和 the tercentenary of the Society of Antiquaries with an exhibition, "'Like a Wolf for the Prey': The 马萨诸塞州历史学会 Collection Begins," at the Historical Society's 1154 Boylston Street headquarters building in Boston. The exhibition consists of treasures 和 "curiosities" donated to the Historical Society during its first decade 和 includes manuscripts, 报纸, 地图, 雕刻, 硬币和奖章, 和工件, along with portraits of 杰里米·贝尔纳普 和 other MHS founders. The exhibition is free 和 open to the public, Monday-Saturday, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM.


    创造历史:1701-2007年的英国古董. London: Royal Academy of Arts; New York: Distributed in the United States 和 Canada by Harry N. 艾布拉姆斯,2007.

    马萨诸塞州历史学会. 历史学会的通函. 波士顿:Belknap 和 Young, 1791. 历史学会专题 杰里米·贝尔纳普的通函 作为2010年1月的第100个月度目标.

    劳伦斯·梅奥. 杰里米·贝尔纳普和埃比尼泽·哈扎德,1782-84." 新英格兰季刊, 卷. 2, no. 2(1929年4月),183-198.

    路易斯·伦纳德·塔克. Clio's Consort: 杰里米·贝尔纳普 和 the Founding of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 波士顿:马萨诸塞州历史学会, 1990.

    路易斯·伦纳德·塔克. The 马萨诸塞州历史学会: A Bicentennial 历史, 1791-1991. 波士顿:马萨诸塞州历史学会,1996.

    Witness to America's Past: Two Centuries of Collecting by the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. Boston: 马萨诸塞州历史学会 和 the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1991.