Object of the Month

The Biblical View of the Great Question of Woman’s Suffrage

Letter from Elizabeth Cady 斯坦顿 to 爱德华M. 戴维斯, 10 April [1869] 手稿

Letter from Elizabeth Cady 斯坦顿 to 爱德华M. 戴维斯, 10 April [1869]


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    In a letter to 爱德华M. 戴维斯, written from New York on 10 April [1869], 伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿要求戴维斯在美国平等权利协会(AERA)的年会上就“圣经对妇女选举权这一重大问题的看法”发表讲话."

    Elizabeth Cady 斯坦顿

    A life-long advocate of women's political and legal rights, 1869年,伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿(Elizabeth Cady 斯坦顿, 1815-1902)在这场运动中已经活跃了20多年. 她曾呼吁在塞内卡瀑布举行第一次妇女权利大会, New York (then her hometown), on 19-20 July 1848. Her marriage to Henry B. 斯坦顿, an agent and speaker 为 the antislavery cause who was away from home much of the time, had made her chiefly responsible 为 raising their seven children, but her writings and close friendship and working relationship with Susan B. 安东尼(他们是在1851年的一次反奴隶制会议上认识的)甚至在她成为著名的公众演说家之前,在斯坦顿一家先搬到波士顿,然后搬到布鲁克林和纽约市之后,就把她的影响力扩展到了她的家之外.

    After the Civil War, 废奴主义者和妇女权利倡导者之间的战时联盟开始出现分歧. 的地区, founded by 斯坦顿 and others in 1866, 最初提倡的是普选权——不仅将选举权扩大到以前的(男性)奴隶, but to all men and women, 而是在批准宪法第十四和第十五修正案的运动中, many abolitionists, Republican Party leaders, 积极参与妇女选举权运动的妇女优先考虑确保非裔美国男子的投票权.

    斯坦顿, who referred to the priority given to universal male suffrage as the "aristocracy of sex," had called attention to this growing division at the end of 1865, when she wrote a farewell letter to the 解放者, William Lloyd Garrison's antislavery newspaper, which also had been an organ 为 the woman suffrage movement. As the political landscape began to shift, she had written to Garrison, "I feel it is unsafe to sleep now.(见“Political Rights of Women," 解放者, 29 December 1865, page 3, column 5).

    In April 1869, when 斯坦顿 wrote to Edward 戴维斯, she, along with Susan B. 安东尼, had recently campaigned unsuccessfully 为 voting rights 为 women in New York and in Kansas, where they had allied themselves with George Francis Train, 一个种族主义者和骗子,一个民主党人,他使他们在资金耗尽后能够继续在堪萨斯州的竞选活动, and then to found the 革命, 这份短命的激进报纸为斯坦顿提供了一个“喉舌”,表达她对妇女选举权和其他许多问题的看法.

    普选权的支持者和“成年选举权”的支持者之间的分歧已经变得太大,以至于两者的支持者都无法成为统一的AERA的成员. 斯坦顿 had begun to speak and write openly 反对 passage of the Fifteenth Amendment and a Sixteenth (Woman Suffrage) Amendment that had been proposed to Congress on 15 March 1869. Nevertheless, the substance of 斯坦顿's 10 April letter to 爱德华M. 戴维斯试图通过对圣经的解释,在争取妇女选举权的运动中开辟新的战线.

    爱德华Morris 戴维斯

    爱德华M. 戴维斯 (1811-1887), 斯坦顿's colleague and friend, 是费城的丝绸商人和铁路主管,他用他的巨额财富支持一系列社会改革,包括废除奴隶制和妇女选举权. He also had a family connection to the women's rights movement through his wife Maria, the daughter of Lucretia Mott. Although a Quaker, 戴维斯 had served as an aide to John C. 虽然他在战后优先考虑为非裔美国人争取投票权, with the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment, 他将注意力转向妇女选举权事业,并成为费城公民选举权协会的领导人.

    After Edward 戴维斯's death in 1887, 当伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿(Elizabeth Cady 斯坦顿)在华盛顿的国际妇女理事会(International Council of Women)发表演讲时(她在演讲中想象了一场法国大革命规模的起义,“如果我们女性的错误没有得到纠正”),她把他的名字加入了她的早期奴隶制反对者的万神殿,这些人也致力于女权事业. Susan B. 安东尼, 她天真地回忆起1867年堪萨斯州的妇女选举权运动是她一生中最快乐的时期,当时斯坦顿“制造了雷电,我发射了它们”," remembered 戴维斯 as the person who had described them as "indivisible."


    斯坦顿在给戴维斯的信中以一种不和谐的方式结束,称自己是一位朋友,“她渴望在汉斯之前获得公民权。”,]年轻, 东, “帕特里克和桑博”——她认为没有资格在美国投票的未受教育的男性移民和少数群体成员的种族和民族刻板印象, at least in a country that denied the vote to women, especially well-educated women. This was not the only time 斯坦顿 used this language or variations of it in speeches, 文学作品 革命, and personal correspondence. Frederick Douglass, 谁认为南方前(男性)奴隶的投票权是“生与死”的问题," rebuked 斯坦顿 为 her racist, demeaning language, 但她指出,在反奴隶制斗争期间,在白人废奴主义者中,她几乎是唯一一个欢迎他到她家来的人.


    在1869年AERA会议上爆发的内部分歧和公开冲突中,“圣经对妇女选举权这一重大问题的看法”失去了意义。这是该协会分裂为两个妇女选举权组织之前的最后一次年会, the National Woman's Suffrage Association (led by Elizabeth Cady 斯坦顿 and Susan B. 安东尼)和美国妇女选举权协会(由露西·斯通和其他男性普选权的支持者创立). 妇女选举权运动内部的激烈分歧并没有结束斯坦顿和戴维斯对女性在正统圣经解读中的问题表现的兴趣, beginning with differing descriptions of the origin and role of Eve in the book of Genesis.

    斯坦顿继续讲授与“圣经和妇女权利”以及她的回忆有关的主题, Eighty Years and More, recollected that from 1878, with the support of 戴维斯 and others, 她“孜孜不倦地努力唤醒妇女意识到她们在教会中的地位低下." This led to a project that she began in 1886, only shortly be为e 戴维斯's death, 招募了一个由圣经学者和女权倡导者组成的团队来剖析圣经中所有利记APP官网手机版女性的内容. Over time this became largely a personal crusade and in 1895, shortly after her 80th birthday, 她出版了 女人的圣经, 导致全国妇女选举权协会(nawsa -分裂的妇女选举权协会最终于1890年联合起来)陷入混乱. 尽管苏珊B. 安东尼 then was the NAWSA president, 该协会通过了一项决议,否认与“所谓的‘女性圣经’或任何神学出版物”有任何官方利记手机官网,并含蓄地谴责了统一协会的第一任主席斯坦顿. The controversy strained her relationship with 安东尼, but in a revised edition of 女人的圣经 (quoting from the New Testament), 斯坦顿 had the last word: "The Truth shall make you free."

    Both Elizabeth Cady 斯坦顿 and Susan B. 安东尼 lived on into the 20th century. The day be为e her death on 25 October 1902, 斯坦顿 dictated a letter to Edith Carew Roosevelt, with which to enclose a letter to her husband, President Theodore Roosevelt. 斯坦顿提醒总统,他在担任纽约州州长时支持妇女选举权,“没有被统治者的同意,就不能建立公正的政府。."


    达顿,菲·E. 奋斗的机会:美国重建时期争取妇女选举权和黑人选举权的斗争. New York: Ox为d University Press, 2011.

    "Elizabeth Cady 斯坦顿 Dies at Her Home." 纽约时报 obituary, 27 October 1902.

    Elizabeth Cady 斯坦顿: Feminist as Thinker. Ed. by Ellen Carol DuBois and Richard Cándida Smith. New York: New York University Press, 2007.

    Griffith, Elizabeth. In Her Own Right: The Life of Elizabeth Cady 斯坦顿. New York: Ox为d University Press, 1984.

    The History of Woman Suffrage. Ed. by Elizabeth Cady 斯坦顿, Susan B. 安东尼, Matilda Joslyn Gage, et. al. 罗彻斯特N. Y.苏珊·B. 安东尼,1887 -. 6日波动率.

    Lutz,阿尔玛. Created Equal: A Biography of Elizabeth Cady 斯坦顿, 1815-1902. New York: John Day Co., 1940. 重印. New York: Octagon Books, 1974.

    萨利·G·麦克米伦著. Lucy Stone: An Unapologetic Life. New York: Ox为d University Press, 2015.

    The Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady 斯坦顿 and Susan B. 安东尼. Ed. 作者:Ann D. 戈登. 新不伦瑞克,n.n. J.: Rutgers University Press, 2001-2013. 6日波动率.

    斯坦顿, Elizabeth Cady. Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences, 1815-1897. 伦敦:T. Fisher Unwin, 1898. 重印. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1993.

    ---. 女人的圣经. New York: European Publishing Company, 1895. 重印. New York: Arno Press, 1972.